Terms, Conditions and Privacy
New Earth Alliance

Terms and Conditions

Use of this Website signifies an agreement with the following Terms, Conditions and Privacy Policy!

Use of Website

This webiste is the Property of New Earth Alliance

© 2024  New Earth Alliance. All rights Reserved!

Web Design and Hosting provided by Digital Buddha Inc.

Content Protection

All content on this site, which includes (but is not limited to): text, images (see exception below), computer code (such as HTML, PHP, Ajax, JavaScript, etc.,) - hereafter referred to as "the content" or "content" - is protected under Provincial and Federal Copyright Law. As such, all Content belonging to New Earth Alliance is protected - and may not be used without Express Written Consent.

Copyright Exceptions

Where Images have been downloaded from free image websites - original terms of use apply.

Original Meme Images displayed under our Media Section are designated as Free to Share and do not require written permission to use - we ask only that the image is shared as is - without alteration and without removing our website url.

Disclosure of Earnings

New Earth Alliance may earn a commission on products or services advertised on this website, including products in our Shop or receive money from Donations - earnings and donations help keep this website Free for our users and help cover NEA expenses such as web hosting, web design, page creation, maintenance, security updates and backups.

Product endorsements, if any, will only be placed providing we have used a product or service and deem that it is worthy of a referal.

Contributor Products and Services

NEA does not earn a commission from Contributor Products and Services at this time.

Contributor and Sponsor Products and Services

New Earth Alliance is not directly affiliated with our Content Contributors and we do not earn a commission from Contributor Products or Services.

Products or Services purchased from Contributors or Sponsors away from this website will fall under the Contributor or Sponsors own Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. We cannot be held liable for goods or services purchased from others and off of this website.

NEA Shop Questions, Refunds, Tracking

Spreadshirt provides a 30-Day Return Guarantee

Shop purchases, orders, refunds, exchanges, guarantees are handled by our On Demand Print Supplier - Spreadshirt.

As such all questions regarding your order should be directed to their Customer Service...

Contact Spreadshirt Customer Service


Content on this website should be regarded as information only. The Owners of New Earth Alliance, nor our Contributors (unless otherwise stated), are Not Medical Professionals and therefore we (NEA / NEA Contributors) can not provide medical, pharmaceutical, nor dietary advice - nor can we legally make any claims regarding content shared on this website.

Information shared on this website should never supercede recommendations from medical professionals, and users of this website should conduct their own research regarding the information presented herein.

Privacy Policy

Information regarding our Customer Data Collection Policies.

Does New Earth Alliance Collect My Information?

Members and Visitor Information

Unless you have signed up for a newsletter, NEA - at this time - has no reason to collect your personal data.

If you have made a Donation or Purchased Products from Our Shop - your information may be Stored on PayPal's website or Spreadshirt's Website to have completed the payment transaction and to provide shipping information where applicable.

New Earth Alliance doe not have access to this information.

Please consult the appropriate website for their Terms of Service and Privacy Policies:
PayPal Privacy Statement or
Spreadshirt USA Privacy Statement for United States Customers and
Spreadshirt Canada Privacy Statement for Canadian Customers.

Contributor Information

Contributor Information is stored in our database and is used to provide Accredation on Articles, to Populate our Authors and Contributor Listings and Author Contact Page.

The information is supplied by the Contributors themselves, therefore they are in direct control of how much or how little of their Personal Information is displayed on our website.

Our website utilizes Email Cloaking technology to prevent spambots from harvesting emails, but there is no way to prevent someone visually reading and copying emails into a database.

Contributors should only provide and publish information that they are comfortable sharing to the public. Authors may want to get a non personal email for their accounts to separate business and personal email and to also protect their more private email from public access.

What Types of Information does NEA Collect?

If you have signed up for a newsletter, then we may have collected: Your Name (first and last), Your City and Email Address.

Representatives from NEA will not contact you unannounced and ask for sensitive information such as Credit Card Information...

Donations and Shop Purchases are handled by reputable websites: PayPal and Spreadshirt, and as such Data Collection will fall under their business guidelines. Links are included above.

Is My Info Protected?

We respect Your Right to Privacy!

If information has been provided for a newsletter, or you have entered contact info as a Contributor:

  • Your info is for the sole use of New Earth Alliance
  • We Do Not make customer information available to Online Marketers, List Promoters, Third Parties etc. for the use of unsolicited contact. We do not support or contribute to Spam!
  • If you are on a newsletter, as per your request, you may receive occasional updates from NEA regarding new Blog Posts, etc. You may unsubscribe at any time.


We use industry standard backups and encryption on our databases and website. Regular maintenance and security updates are done to avoid security breaches.

In the unlikely event that the website is compromised - we do not store sensitive information, such as credit cards, in our database.

For questions regarding our Terms or Privacy Policy, please Contact NEA with your concerns.

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