Content Contributions and Guidelines
New Earth Alliance

Publish on Our Website

Thanks for your interest!
New Earth Alliance is a Community FOR the People - Built BY the People
NEA - Contribute content and media to our platform
Do you think your Content or Media would be a Good Fit for our Website?

Become a Contributor

To publish your Article, Video, Meditation, Tool, Recipe, etc. on our website, please:

  • 1 Read to the end of this page to find out more.
  • 2 Review our Content Preferences and Guidelines here.
  • 3 Submit the brief form at the end of this page to begin the process.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Our Mission

To provide High Vibe content, Tools and Media that helps raise the Vibration of the Collective and to empower humanity to manifest the Highest and Best Ascension Timeline for all concerned.

Contributor Qualifications

Contributors should be high vibe, operating from a Service to Others Mindset and have a qualified level of experience and proficiency in the content or information that they are sharing.

New Earth Alliance - Content Contribution - How Can I Help.

If you are a Spiritual Health Practitioner, Life Coach, Well-Being Consultant, Yoga or Meditation Practitioner, an Experiencer - or Similar - we may be interested in sharing your content and helping your cause.

What is your “WHY?”

If your main reason for contributing is To Help, To Share Knowledge and Information, to Raise the Vibration of the Collective… and you have a "Service to Others" perspective" – then your ideals are in line with our Mission Statement and you will probably make a good addition to our team.

You will receive the most benefit if you already have a website, social media, etc. in place as this allows those who find your work on our website to also follow you on your own pages, but start-ups are more than welcome to build a presence on our website first - our main goal is that the information or content being shared on our site is in integrity and provides a benefit to the community.

* Contributor Applications will go through a screening process to determine compatibility with our Content and Community Guidelines.

Content Preferences

NEA - High Vibe Content Preferences

Content should be original - recreating and publishing someone else's work isn't helpful and could have karmic implications.

Content that is original but has been published elsewhere on the internet is acceptable but may need to be updated and reworked to avoid Search Engine Duplicate Content Penalties.

Our content & media categories include:

High Vibe (High Vibrational Living, Foods, Recipes), Manifestation (Law of Attraction, Affirmations, Exercises and tools), Health Related Topics (Healing), Clearing (Past Life, Ancestral, Karmic), Psychic (Development), Meditation (Techniques, Recorded Exercises) and other areas of Personal and Spiritual Growth.

If your content is appropriate but doesn’t appear to fit into an exact category mentioned above – let us know and we can create a new Category or add your content under our Miscellaneous heading.

Read more in our Content and Submission Guidelines Here.

Contributor Benefits and Compensation

New Earth Alliance - Win Win Win

As we do not charge subscription or membership fees to our visitors and product sales and donations on this site help to cover NEA expenses - we provide payment to our contributors in an "Exchange of Services" or Ubuntu type business model.

We provide a Blog Page on our site with complimentary Web Services and Best Practices to help get your content or media page looking great and visible on the internet. We provide full accredation with biography and provide links back to your website and social media. We also provide a Contributing Author / Content Creator Listing on our website and share your optimized site content to our social media and community - which at the time of this writing is 7,700+ members.

Additional Benefits:

Properly constructed web and blog pages provide long term benefits as they often rise in search results and can be found in search engines years after initial publication.

Social Media posts are great, but usually are not indexed by search engines and can disappear shortly after sharing with little or no engagement.

We provide a Cross Marketing solution - utilizing both web and social media benefits that can provide long term benefits that far outweigh a single monetary or royalty payment.

Our system works because it provides a Win Win Win for all concerned!

Win - Win - Win

The Law of Increasing Returns

NEA - Win - Win - Win and the Law of Increasing Returns
  • Plant the Seeds.

    NEA Provides the Website
    NEA and Contributors donate Content with a Service to Others Benefit

  • Nurture The Seeds.

    NEA provides complimentary web services to increase content visibility
    NEA, Contributors, Members share content which helps grow the community

  • Enjoy the Rewards.

    Members, Contributors and NEA all enjoy the Fruits of Labour

The Cycle Builds and Starts Again!

Benefits to All Concerned

Benefits to Contributor
  • Professional Blog Page with Full Accredation
  • Quality Links back to your Website and Social Media
  • Hundreds of Dollars in Free Web Services
    • Professional Layout, Design, and Content Markup
    • Professional Niche and Keyword Research
    • Search Engine Opitmization of Web page
    • Graphic Design or Photo Editing - some conditions apply
  • Increased Exposure from Internet and Website Traffic
  • Increased Exposure from NEA Social Media
  • Receive Contributor Status and Mention on our Authors Page
Benefits to Visitors
  • Members and visitors receive Free Access to all High Vibe Content:
    • Free Access to Articles and Info
    • Free Access to Meditations and Media
    • Free Access to helpful Excercises and Tools
  • Access to our Online Communities and Social Media
  • There is a wealth of Content and Media, spanning many topics, all in One Convenient Place
  • Access to our contributors through this website and Social Media
Benefits to NEA
  • Frequent Content additions provides additional value to members and visitors
  • Additional Value to Visitors can lead to increased visits and referals
  • Frequent Content Updates can help to Increase Page Ranking in Search Engines
  • Increased Search Rankings means Increased Traffic to Website and Social Media Pages, which means increased traffic to our contributor articles, and their websites and social media
  • A wealth of High Vibe Information and Media in One Place, including info and media in areas outside our personal expertise
  • All of the above contributes to growth of the community, which benefits everyone

Contributors Application Form

Take a moment to fill in your info and submit your content idea!

Contributor Application

* Indicates Required Field.

Your Info:

Social Media URLs
Enter at least one, please!

Qualifications and Experience:

Content or Media Suggestion(s)
Why would your Content be a good fit for our website?

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