High Vibe Living Community
New Earth Alliance

Welcome to NEA

New Earth Alliance - You are here to Help Manifest the New Earth!

New Earth Alliance: A Community for the People - Built by the People!

Our intention is to provide uplifting content: articles, exercises, tools and meditations - to empower our members in the following categories: High Vibe Living, Foods, High Vibrational Recipes, Manifestation, Law of Attraction, Affirmations, Health, Healing, Clearing, Psychic Development and other areas of interest and personal / spiritual growth.

If the above resonates with you, you just might be here to:
Help Manifest the New Earth!

About Us

New Earth Alliance is a collective of like-minded souls dedicated to raise the vibration of the planet and its inhabitants by focusing upon positive timelines that align with the transmutation of The Present into that of the New 5D - 7D Earth and towards Human Ascension.

New Earth Alliance - If you build it, They will Come.

The Need for Balance!

Much of the current media and information being shared these days seems to be of a Fear Based Nature.

What we think about and give emotion to is what expands in our consciousness and present reality!

When enough people are resonating at a certain vibration, Critical Mass is achieved and the rest of the population is automatically drawn into the new vibration timeline - Good or Bad!

We recognized the need for a Positive Community to help create balance, and through a series of synchronicities - New Earth Alliance was born.

Our Mission

To provide High Vibe content, Tools and Media that helps raise the Vibration of the Collective and to empower humanity to manifest the Highest and Best Ascension Timeline for all concerned.

Read More About New Earth Alliance Here:

More About Us