Image: Spiritual Sovereignty by Cassandra Clegg - New Earth Alliance

Spiritual Sovereignty
Cassandra Clegg - New Earth Alliance

Our birthright is our own Spiritual Sovereignty – when I speak to this, I speak to the right to have your own, unique experience here on Earth; without interference or manipulation -whether it be externally, or internally.

We come here, with free will built into our duality matrix. This means that all, have the right to choose their path; whether that is to grow and add to the awakening, or to descend and add to the duality.
To be Sovereign, is to be free; Free of all which is not you. You are a Divine soul that has a right to individuality and to embrace your Soul Purpose here on Earth.

I used to think there was something wrong with me, because I followed an “imaginary thing” called intuition as a child. I would see spirits that had passed on, I had dreamt about how a planets gravity could be used for speed. I felt out of place, and I longed to fit in. I did not embrace my individuality until in my early adulthood and became to realize that these things we think make us “crazy”, to be outside of the societal norm, is a part of us here on Earth. It is a part of our purpose to continue paving the intuitive path for the generations to come. It is the ultimate form of self trust and to expand our awareness by trusting our intuition. We are hardwired to be in that genius zone, although we are conditioned from early ages to believe that intuition is ‘not real’ or pure coincidental. The societal ‘norms’ were not me. Dare I say none of our brains are hardwired for how we have been conditioned; I implore you to always question, to have that open mind. Our conditioning does not have to be an identity around who we are.

This does not mean you or anyone else is superior to another – rather you are aware and free of the illusions that you may encounter. It allows you to use your empathic traits, your intuitive traits, your discernment of what feels right from a place of deep inner knowing without the charged emotional filters and distortions.

You are the Creator of your life. You get to choose your reality. This does not create separation, it unites us as powerful, individual yet connected beings. If we all chose a reality of which we prefer as a collective – we could make huge changes on this planet quickly and it is happening at a rapid rate these days. When we choose this path with many others, we become adept at spotting manipulation and agendas that do not suit us as a collective and individual. We create momentum. We unify under love and respect. I have spent much of my life people pleasing, over giving, burning myself out and now know it was an energetic match to those who were also suffering in the victim triangle. Discerning the energy that is right for you – being balanced in giving as well as receiving – being aware of your energy and boundaries, will help you create more of the life of freedom. It will allow you to discern where you should spend your energy, without judgement. Our energy, body, and time is sacred – we should treat ourselves as such, as well as others we interact with.

Both things can be true – you can love someone, understand why they are responding the way they do – yet take a step back if your boundaries are not being honored.

Your personal power lies in the ability to create, to embrace life and flow through life rather than forcing your way through. Inspired action will lead you to many opportunities that light up your soul. As you embrace your unique Spirit and light up this Earth, you will inspire many others to choose their own Divinity within, to forge a new path of Harmony and Balance.

There will come times where you FEEL every part of you, pulling you in a direction that may not make logical sense. Understand that your fears will arise along with your ego mind to keep you safe, but your intuition is always there lead you. Being sovereign in your energy, allows you to follow your gut instincts without the approval of everyone else. When you know what is right for you, you will not get drawn to every other opinion on what you should do.

Empower yourself to walk forward, unapologetically you – connecting to your internal portal of love and compassion. When you believe in yourself, believe in your path, you become a walking miracle – our creation and achievement is so much more powerful than we could possibly comprehend. Ignite your passion, your purpose, your internal power – and then take inspired action to light the way to a new way.

This is how we create a New Earth. It starts with you. This is your sign, your calling, that your unique nature is so desperately needed on this planet. This is how we transform suffering by rippling out the possibility of healing and understanding trauma, our power, and our sovereignty. Nothing has a right to your energy – you can call it back and resend any permission slip that may have been given.

I’ve faced many demons over the years, and I have found the same thing to be true every time. When I stood in my heart, my love, but also said we can communicate from a distance, but you can’t harm me or touch me – they either communicated information that was helpful, or they went back to their dimension. I have realized that it is not always necessary to destroy energy that we deem as negative – because all things exist on this level for a reason right now – and I believe that the most transformative emotion is love – not fear, not hate. No one needs to be saved, we are not in the time of martyrdom. We are in the time of collective sacred circles and community. We are our own saviours – while being held and supported by our communities. This does not mean we will never need another opinion or expertise, but it becomes more balanced between what we offer ourselves and what we receive from those we trust to guide us. Tuning into who the right guides/healers and mentors are for us from an empowered place versus disempowered.

Can you imagine, the ripple of impact where we all had a community of where we were uplifted, supported, and gave that in return? In times of need or struggle, we could be held with so much love and care. I believe there would be a big decline in perpetrators if we all had that sense of connection from the beginning.

Often, when we do not feel Sovereign, it is also perpetuated by being in a survival state consistently. It is hard to feel connected and powerful when all our energy is going towards that feeling of trying to stay alive – even if there is no life-or-death situation at hand. Our bodies are extremely wise when given the chance to rest and reset. We have a natural energy – our Auric fields, our Wei Qi, our heart tauric field that provides a level of energetic protection that we do not need to micromanage. When our body-mind complex is in balance, despite what we encounter we are able to process more effectively and not be swayed by the illusions of fear long term. So, how do we do this?

Being aware of your breath is one of the main ways you can stimulate your vagus nerve and go into rest/repair mode more often. Breathing in fully represents taking in life, breathing out fully represents the ability to let go. Our lungs expand and contract, which causes a rocking action in every part of the body. When we breathe in deep, we stimulate the vagus nerve, which takes us out of survival response and into rest and repair mode. The brain also uses the breath to scan the body- the breath enables the body to scan all the energy frequencies to determine areas of concern. Inhalation scans the higher frequencies (emotions, brain activity), that is why we avoid deep inhalation when emotionally upset, however, if we “take a deep breath” we get in touch with the pathological emotions and the body mind will attempt to address the problem. Exhalation scans the lower frequencies (tissues, bones) That is why people with arthritis breathe shallowly because a full breath out puts them in touch with the pain in the bones and joints.

Breathing technique to utilize before bed:

  1. Lay down and bend both knees so that your feet are flat on the bed, hip width apart. Be aware of your abdomen and pelvis while taking slow breaths.
  2. On the inhalation, the pelvis should press downward onto the bed, causing the abdomen to rise and an arch to form under the low back.
  3. On exhalation, the pelvis should move upward toward the ceiling, the abdomen sinking and the low back to rest against the bed.
  4. Do 5 exaggerated breaths with the rocking sequence with your legs bent.
  5. Do 5 exaggerated breaths with the rocking sequence with your legs down.
  6. Then spend two minutes breathing naturally, while focusing on the subtle rocking of the pelvis.
  7. Go to sleep.
Precautions – do not overdo the exercise, and do not do without the okay from a medical professional, especially if there are any spinal issues.

Another exercise to get you in touch with where you are at in your Sovereignty path – is to journal how you feel with the Seven Sovereignty Codes, which ones feel the most triggering and why. This will help you with any blind spots, understand your past experiences and emotions with non-judgement and knowing any belief systems that arise from said experiences. These limiting beliefs are not the truth. The biggest lie we were ever sold is that we are not powerful, that we are susceptible to control and manipulation. If we all believe that we create a mass consciousness energy field around it. What if we chose to believe that we are powerful creators that can see through the illusions? That we are no longer controlled or manipulated?

The Seven Sovereignty Codes:

  1. I am in control of my body, mind and soul in all dimensions, time, and space.
  2. I claim my free will to Divinity and choose growth.
  3. I call back and integrate any fractured piece of myself back into the heart
  4. I claim my inner power, purpose and love
  5. I am at home in my heart and feel secure in my vision
  6. I am authentic in my Divine Expression
  7. I connect with other beings only on the vibration of love

Open your heart, open to your Sovereignty, claim yourself in all its unique magic. Do the work. Claim your emotional wisdom. Begin to transform past pain into wisdom and RISE as the phoenix you are and create that ripple of impact. You are infinitely supported.

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