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New Earth Alliance

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Content on this website should be regarded as information only. The Owners of New Earth Alliance, nor our Contributors (unless otherwise stated), are Not Medical Professionals and therefore we (NEA / NEA Contributors) can not provide medical, pharmaceutical, nor dietary advice - nor can we legally make any claims regarding content shared on this website.

Information shared on this website should never supercede recommendations from medical professionals, and users of this website should conduct their own research regarding the information presented herein.

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What Types of Information does NEA Collect?

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In the unlikely event that the website is compromised - we do not store sensitive information, such as credit cards, in our database.

For questions regarding our Terms or Privacy Policy, please Contact NEA with your concerns.

Welcome to New Earth Alliance Home

High Vibe Living Community
New Earth Alliance

Welcome to NEA

New Earth Alliance - You are here to Help Manifest the New Earth!

New Earth Alliance: A Community for the People - Built by the People!

Our intention is to provide uplifting content: articles, exercises, tools and meditations - to empower our members in the following categories: High Vibe Living, Foods, High Vibrational Recipes, Manifestation, Law of Attraction, Affirmations, Health, Healing, Clearing, Psychic Development and other areas of interest and personal / spiritual growth.

If the above resonates with you, you just might be here to:
Help Manifest the New Earth!

About Us

New Earth Alliance is a collective of like-minded souls dedicated to raise the vibration of the planet and its inhabitants by focusing upon positive timelines that align with the transmutation of The Present into that of the New 5D - 7D Earth and towards Human Ascension.

New Earth Alliance - If you build it, They will Come.

The Need for Balance!

Much of the current media and information being shared these days seems to be of a Fear Based Nature.

What we think about and give emotion to is what expands in our consciousness and present reality!

When enough people are resonating at a certain vibration, Critical Mass is achieved and the rest of the population is automatically drawn into the new vibration timeline - Good or Bad!

We recognized the need for a Positive Community to help create balance, and through a series of synchronicities - New Earth Alliance was born.

Our Mission

To provide High Vibe content, Tools and Media that helps raise the Vibration of the Collective and to empower humanity to manifest the Highest and Best Ascension Timeline for all concerned.

Read More About New Earth Alliance Here:

More About Us

Help support the Cause

New Earth Alliance - Shop High Vibe Spiritual Clothing, Apparel, Accessories and Stickers

Thank you for supporting New Earth Alliance with a Donation or by Purchasing our high vibrational clothing, apparel and accessories from the Shop below.

Our themes include High Vibe, Sacred Geometry, Inspirational and Spiritual Clothing (more designs coming soon) - available in Men's, Women's, and Unisex Shirts, Hoodies, Tanks, Hats, Cups, Beanies, Stickers and more.

As our membership increases - we continue to incur costs in website development, website hosting, security maintenance and updates, addition of new content, graphic design, etc.. We hope to cover these costs which will allow us to continue providing new content and to further grow our services and community. We also hope to give our volunteers a few perks along the way, and perhaps develop additional artwork and products for our store.

New Earth Alliance - Donations Link

By no means is anyone ever required to donate to NEA or purchase NEA products, but for those who feel called to help support our mission we have provided a Donation link and a Modest Store with some unique products, logos and designs.

For those who feel called to help in other ways, please share our articles and website to your social media pages and groups! Getting the word out is important and has a long reaching impact in raising the vibration of the collective.

You may also help by contributing content to our site, read our guidelines on the Contributions Page.

Thanks everyone for making our Community a Growing Force for the Light, Muchly Appreciated!

About Us

New Earth Alliance is a collective of like-minded souls dedicated to help raise the vibration of the planet and its inhabitants by creating and sharing positive content, media and tools to help transmute our present situation into that of the New, 5D - 7D Earth - and towards the highest and best Human Ascension timeline.

We provide a FREE - Service to Others - High Vibe Content platform.

Qualified Members may share content, tools, meditations and experiences with a Service to Others Benefit. We donate a page on our platform and donate professional web services and promotion to help get the content noticed on Social Media as well as through Organic Search on the internet. Contributors receive full author accredation and links back to their own website, social media, or other pages. Our website and community are built on an Ubuntu type system and we aim to provide a Win - Win - Win platform for all concerned.

See our Contributions page for more information on Contributor and Content Guidelines.

How NEA Began

New Earth Alliance - What we Give Emotion to - Expands

Years ago, we noticed the negative effects that some media and lower-vibration content had on us.

Sometimes, after doing a clearing protocol, we would go online and get drawn into some of the fear based-articles and content in our newsfeeds and then we would have to clear all over again.

In some cases negative entities were able to attach to us (apparently) due to our lower vibration. We often experienced unexplained emotions such as anxiety and fear - which seemed to coincide with the amount of negative content that we were consuming.

Others in our online-groups were also complaining about unexplained anxieties, fear and feeling overwhelmed.

Like Attracts Like!

It became easy for us to see a pattern, and while we are not psychologists or medical professionals (see our disclaimer below) - one cannot disregard our (and others) personal experiences, nor can one discount the age old concept of "GIGO - Garbage In Garbage Out," or the Law of Attraction principles of "Like Attracts Like" and "What we focus on Expands."

New Earth Alliance - Like Attracts Like

We (and many others in our groups) began to realize how the fear-based content and information (often prevalent in the News, Social Media, Movies and other Media) could be contributing to a lower vibration and could contribute to unwanted emotions such as stress, depression, anxiety, fear, hopelessness and (perhaps) even illness with prolonged exposure.

There were also scientific articles that seemed to back this up. We've included a few of the articles here:
Negative Emotions Can Increase the Risk of Heart Disease - Psychology Today: Posted May 06, 2014
and, Life Event, Stress and Illness - National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI): Posted October, 2008)

If we (and others in our groups) were experiencing negative side-effects from fear-based media on a personal level, then "what was happening to others who did not practice daily clearing protocols to help restore their balance and equilibrium?"

We also wondered how long-term exposure to Negative Media might be affecting us on a larger scale, such as our overall sense of well-being and Collective Consciousness?

Critical Mass

What we think about and give emotion to is what expands in our consciousness and present reality!

NEA - Critical Mass Illustration Image

crit·i·cal mass

• the minimum size or amount of something required to start or maintain a venture.
"a communication system is of no value unless there is a critical mass of users"

Definition from Oxford Languages / Google Dictionary

The physics of "Critical Mass" has important implications to the Collective for the following reason:

When enough people are resonating or vibrating at a certain frequency, Critical Mass is achieved and the rest of the population can automatically be drawn into the same frequency bandwidth - whether it is a higher vibration or a lower one.

Furthermore, it was determined that the Critical Mass needed to significantly effect a population is far less than half of the population. According to the Maharishi Effect it only takes the square root of 1% of a population to have a measurable effect on the population. The study's focus was on "how several practitioners meditating for peace affected violent crime in a given city."

For example, a group of 200 practicing the TM-Sidhi program together in a city of four million (100 x 200 x 200) would be sufficient to produce a measurable influence on the whole city; a group of 1,600 in the U.S. would influence 256 million (100 x 1600 x 1600) people, the whole population of the U.S.; and a group of 7,000 would influence 4.9 billion (100 x 7000 x 7000) people, the population of the world at that time.

If we extrapolate this to today's estimated global population of 7.8 Billion, we would only need the square root of 1% - or 8831 like minded people intent on raising their vibration to have a global impact.

Therefore, each one of us can make a difference and it is not only important to watch what foods we eat, but to watch what we consume "mentally" as well!

High Vibe Content and Media

We have been quite particular about what we Share on our Social Media and what posts are approved on our pages and groups - and it seems to be catching on as other social media groups have adopted a similar policy.

New Earth Alliance - You are What You Consume

NEA has been fortunate to experience rapid growth in our first few years on social media (around 7,700 members at the time of this writing) and still growing as we branch out to other social media platforms.

Many members joining our groups have commented that they are looking for Content and Info that are of a more High Vibe nature.

Many want to help Manifest the New Earth and are tired of seeing all the negativity in their newsfeeds from some of the other communities.

There is nothing wrong with being informed, but the "Devil is in the Details" as they say - and investing too much time and emotion mulling over the dark details of some news item isn't helpful for anyone - it doesn't solve the problem. It just lowers our vibration (and the vibration of the planet) so that we are not in a position to maintain our own energy let alone to help raise the vibration of the Collective.

Too much of a BAD thing, is... well...
Just BAD!

New Earth Alliance Website

New Earth Alliance - High Vibe Content and Media
There is nothing more powerful than an idea whose time has come.
~ Victor Hugo ~

This website is for the People - Built by the People!

We (personally) can't be experts in all topics of spirituality - but we can share our strengths and what he have learned while allowing others who are more knowledgeable in given areas to also contribute and share.

We aim to make this website a resource for multiple wellness and healing modalities while providing teachings on manifestation, meditation, clearing, excercises, tools - and more. We provide our expertise in Web Development, Search Engine Optimization and Digital Marketing to help draw like minded people to the website, community and contributor content - which has trickle down benefits for all concerned.

The Future of NEA

Our first steps have been to develop the social media and to provide value for the community, then to get the 1st iteration of the website built (which we have now completed).

New Earth Alliance - Community for the People - Built by the People

We intend to flesh out the website with quality blog articles and media as they become available and as we have time to publish. We are volunteers at this point, so there are still the pesky 3D demands of earning an income and covering expenses.

As demand increases we hope to add a scheduling calendar to the site, in which we can create events, meditations, etc... We hope to add online courses, and a video channel for interviews with some of our Amazing Members and Leaders in the Community. We will see where spirit leads us.

New Earth Alliance Logo

We Thank You for your interest in New Earth Alliance Community and look forward to building an exciting future together!

Help support the Cause

New Earth Alliance - Shop Women's Spiritual Clothing and Apparel

Thank you for supporting New Earth Alliance with a Donation or by Purchasing our high vibration women's clothing and accessories from our Shop below.

Our themes include Inspirational, Sacred Geometry, High Vibe and Spiritual Clothing (more designs coming soon) - available in Women's T-shirts, Tank Tops, Hoodies, Long Sleeve Shirts, Sportswear, Workwear, Hats and more.

Purchases made help cover the expenses of web development, site security, hosting, maintenance and updates, content creation, graphic design, and more... Your support helps us to continue providing content and to further grow our services and community. We also hope to give back to our volunteers for their hard work and develop additional logos, artwork and products for our store.

New Earth Alliance - Donations Link

By no means is anyone ever required to Donate or purchase NEA products, but for those who feel called to help support our mission we have provided a Donation link and a Modest Store with some unique products, logos and designs.

For those who feel called to help in other ways, please share our articles and website to your social media pages and groups! Getting the word out is important and has a long reaching impact in raising the vibration of the collective.

Thanks everyone for making our Community a Growing Force for the Light, Muchly Appreciated!

Contact Us

Have a Question for New Earth Alliance?
... or need to get in touch!

Send an Email or click "Other Contact Info"
for our Social Media and other pages.

High Vibe Community

Hours of Operation

  • Mon - Fri: 9AM to 5PM
  • Sat - Sun: Closed
  • Closed on Holidays

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Contributors and Content Creators, Please Log In Here!

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Content on this website should be regarded as information only. The Owners of New Earth Alliance, nor our Contributors (unless otherwise stated), are Not Medical Professionals and therefore we (NEA / NEA Contributors) can not provide medical, pharmaceutical, nor dietary advice - nor can we legally make any claims regarding content shared on this website.
Information shared on this website should never supercede recommendations from medical professionals, and users of this website should conduct their own research regarding the information presented herein.